ONCA” is the legislation for not-for-profit organizations that are incorporated in the province of Ontario, such as the Nepean Sailing Club. The purpose of ONCA is to modernize how not-for-profit corporations are created, operated, governed, and dissolved. ONCA, 2010 came into force October 19, 2021, and was amended effective Oct. 1, 2023. Not-for-profit corporations must update their articles (originally referred to as Letters Patent) and By-laws by no later than October 18, 2024, to be compliant.

The “TL;DR”

The “Too Long; Didn’t Read” summary: The changes proposed to NSC’s Letters Patent and legacy By-law were accepted by our Members at a Special Meeting on September 21, 2024. With that vote, we will proceed to file the necessary changes with the government of Ontario.

Thank you for your support!

ONCA Adoption Plan for NSC

In June 2023, the NSC Board of Directors adopted an approach to evaluate if a template ONCA bylaw could be modified to fit NSC. The template chosen was developed by “Nonprofit Law Ontario” . The template developed by Community Legal Education Ontario is available here and is designed to directly support the Act. The Board chose this approach because:

  • It helps NSC quickly ensure alignment with the Act, freeing up some time to focus on any desired changes
  • The template is well laid out with sensible questions for NSC to address
  • Using a shared template also shares the impacts of any future changes in the legislation

Most Recent Updates

  • September 21, 2024, 10 a.m.: Special Meeting of Members to consider ONCA updates: Harbourview Hall
  • September 10, 2024: Updated documentation is available for Members to review in Box.
  • August 28, 2024: Board approval of Execution package for Members to consider at Special Meeting
  • August 2024: Draft By-Law legal review, Execution package prepared for Board
  • July 2024: Engage legal review
  • July 2024: Commodore’s Council review
  • February – June 2024: Drafts and reviews
  • January 2024: Workshops focused on Board structure and Policy impacts
  • November & December 2023: Workshops focused on “Definition of Membership”
  • October 2023: Analysis of any gaps between template and existing NSC Bylaw
  • September 2023: First Briefing to Commodore’s Council
  • July & August 2023: Modifying basic template to suit NSC

Upcoming Updates

  • Pending update on the progress of the file with the government.

Latest Memo to Members

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