NSC’s Google Calendar has been updated for 2024 — check it out! Events don’t make it onto this calendar until we’re 90% confident that they’ll happen as scheduled. There are quite a few other events we hope to host, but that do not yet meet that criteria. Monitor the NSC website and Telltale for further updates.
Where to find the calendar
For future reference, the calendar can be accessed from the button below “BOAT. EXPLORE. BELONG.” on our home page. There is also a link to the calendar from the “About us” drop-down menu.
How to integrate it into your calendar
Read how to integrate the NSC calendars into your own electronic calendar, for easy reference wherever you are.
How to view events in a larger format
For a larger view of the events, click on the “Week” view at the top right.

Recurring annual NSC events
See also the NSC Annual Events page for more details on our annual events.
For comments, corrections, or to add an event to the calendar, please e-mail Webmaster.
2021-12-31, HM: Added this update log. Post last updated in 2020, though this post dates to at least 2014. 2022-12-30, HM: Updated for 2023. 2023-??, SK: undocumented changes. 2023-12-03, HM: updated for 2024. 2023-12-26, HM: published.