NSC's Weather Station & Lake Cam

Water level1: 0.7 m above chart datum.
Wind at NSC2: NNW at 16.9 kn, gusting to 21.

Ottawa Current3: Light snow, -7°C. Wind: NNW at 18 kn gusting to 25. Wind chill: -17. Pressure: 101.2 kPa, rising. Relative humidity: 71%. Visibility: 7 nm.
Ottawa Tonight3: Snow ending this evening then mainly cloudy with 40% chance of flurries. Clearing overnight. Local amount 2 cm. Wind northwest 11 kn gusting to 22 becoming light near midnight. Low minus 16. Wind chill minus 22 overnight.

The NSC lighthouse with weather station attached
The Weather Station on the lighthouse

Conditions & Forecasts


  • Sailflow Winds — For Lac Deschênes using NSC & BYC sensors data
  • VentuSky — Graphical area wind, temperature, and precipitation centred on NSC
  • Wind Finder — Wind and weather forecast for NSC
  • Wind Guru — Numerical wind and weather forecast for the Ottawa River
  • Windy.com — Graphical wind forecast for NSC and area


Water Levels

Radar & Satellite Images



NSC does not warrant the quality, accuracy, or completeness of any data made accessible through this page. The above information and links are provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranty or condition of any nature.

1 The water level is calculated as the difference between Britannia4 station's 57.9 m datum and the latest value in the Environment Canada Weather Office's Data File for Britannia4, updated every hour (Apr-Oct) and 4 hours (Nov-Mar).
Note to racers: The BYC gates must remain in place until the water level drops below ~59.0m or less than 1.1m above the datum.

2 Weather data is collected every 5 minutes by the NSC-owned Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station, mounted on the lighthouse at the harbour entrance. Units are converted from the Imperial to the International System of Units.
Note that: (1) the wind at NSC is likely to differ from that elsewhere on the lake and at the airport, and (2) "No current data" is displayed whenever the application evaluates that, for whatever reason, no new data is available.

3 The current and forecast values at the Ottawa Airport are downloaded four times an hour from the Environment Canada Website. Wind speeds are converted from km/h to kn (knots), and distances from km to nm (nautical miles).

4 The Britannia water level and flow metering station are actually located at NSC!

ISO Abbreviations: kn stands for knot(s), where 1 kn = 1.85 km/h, and nm stands for nautical mile(s).

2024: Dec 11, DS: changed text to say that Ottawa AP citypage file is extracted every 15 minutes, not 5. EC only updates the file a few times per hour. Nov 09, DS: Updated windy.com URL to expand user options. Sep 06, DS: updated accuweather URL, commented our broken JS Marshal link. Aug 27, DS: updated Satellite and Radar URL for Weather Network. Aug 26, DS: updated EC URL to https://weather.gc.ca/en/location/index.html?coords=45.403,-75.687. JUl 04, DS: Moved Disclaimer up as its own section with H2 title. Jun 23, DS: made sure all non-NSC links open in a new tab. May 13, DG: Changed BYC lake cam link from https://video.nest.com/embedded/live/ZQk9CR7pTg?autoplay=1 to https://byc.ca/weather-webcam-2/ May 10, DS: updated EV Hydrographic CSV file URL. Added text about units conversions. Jan 12, DS: added details to text: km/h to km and km to nm. Sept 14, DS: Updated Network Channel URL after W.N. update. Sept 9, DS: added link in note 4. Aug 28, DS: fixed double href in Radar - Ottawa Centered link. Aug 13, DS: made all external links open in a new tab. Centered bullets with lighthouse image. Removed triple href in fireworks URL. Jun 12: SF: Removed rounded. Jun 08: DS: added 72 hours of prediction smoke at ground level. Jun 06: new Air Quality Health Index link. Apr 06 - new EC Radar link. Mar 15, DS: new Kadence style. May 29, SF: Added photo and grouped conditions &forecasts.

Page maintained by Public Relations