The water level plot uses the Environment Canada Water Office’s Hydrometric Hourly Data File for station 02KF005 (Britannia1), updated every 2 hrs (Apr-Oct) or 4 hrs (Nov-Mar). Be advised that there are occasional data gaps, characterized by constant levels over several time intervals.

Depth values of “99999 m” means that water level data is not available.

1 As noted in this page, the Britannia water level and flow metering station is actually located at NSC!

Page updated: 2024-12-04.

Programming Notes:
The charts are loaded via the NSC Twentytwelve WordPress Theme’s
functions.php script ‘add_water_level_script()’ and the javascript _jscript/water-nsc.js.
Update log
04 Dec: DS: updated add_water_level_script() to fix the Highchart version to latest V11 available.
07 May: DS: updated the Flow Monitoring link URL.
27 Apr: DS: new version derived from ‘NSC Wind & Water Levels – Real Time Data’ showing only water levels.
21 Oct: HM: Added “Past 48 Hours” to title.
05 Mar: DS: minor changes to the javascript to render display similar to that in the weather page.
09 Mar: DS: changed 48-hours to 2-days, remove unnecessary datum text as it is now in the plot,
changed graph to plot in the text.
14 Oct: DS: added note about depth 99999.
29 Nov: HM: added note about Britannia station being located at NSC.
DS: Fixed dangling /div and /p tags.
17 Jul: DS: removed angled brackets around /div and /p in 29 Nov comments to fix HTML errors.
16 Aug: DS: converted Water Level Monitoring link from post to page.
Page maintained by Webmaster