NSC Classified Ads


Buyers and Sellers are solely responsible to ascertain the legitimacy of any offer and transaction made over the Internet. User shall not hold the Nepean Sailing Club responsible for the outcome of any transactions initiated from an ad posted on this page. By using the NSC Classified Ads, users agree de-facto with the terms and condiditions detailed in the NSC Classified Ads Disclaimer.

Classified Ads Posting

All requests to Post, Modify, Extend or Cancel an Ad must be made using the Ads form. No other means of submission is accepted.

The Classified Ads Listing is readable by the general public, but posting is restricted to NSC members. A login with NSC Membership credentials is required to access the Classified Ads Form.

Buy Nothing

The NSC recognizes the Buy Nothing Movement by providing a Buy Nothing Section for members wishing to conduct pro bono transactions.

Classified Ads Listings


  • Ads posted before 1 September 2024 and not extended have been removed.
  • Acronyms:
    • CAD: Canadian Dollar
    • USD: US Dollar
    • OBO: Or Best Offer

Usage: all clickable links, emails and pictures are highlighted in underlined green text. Item names in bold gray color do not have a matching picture.

Content updated on 2025-02-12.

Page maintained by Classified Ads.