NSC Welcomes over 200 visitors at Open Doors Ottawa 2023

On June 3 NSC participated in Doors Open Ottawa and welcomed over 200 visitors on one of the nicest days of the spring. They were given tours in English, French and Spanish through the clubhouse, and down the walkway along the yard out to the point overlooking W-dock and the Able Sail dock, and on to the Sail Training Centre. They showed great interest in our club history, club stats, and current activities and expressed deep thanks. Jim Brown, one of the tour guides, was even chased down in the parking lot for a photo with a kid!! Top hits were the Tiger Dam, the purple martins, the sea bins and Able Sail. Oh, and on the way out to the Able sail one group discovered some turtles to the delight of the kids, parents and grand parents.

One family of five had their youngest son enrolled in sailing camp and mom wanted to speak to Shawn Batten, Sailing Activities Manager.  He was not available  for the moment so Elisa jumped in and impressed everyone. Spencer, another instructor, had the same effect.

A number commented how surprised they were at the size of the NSC harbour and grounds. Someone was using the north crane to put in their boat as one tour group passed by and a gentleman thanked the guide for “arranging the demonstration”.

Some visitors had not sailed for many years and wanted to get back into it while others had never sailed but were very interested in lessons.

All the visitors seemed to enjoy and appreciate those who took the time to provide a relaxed atmosphere and expressed great thanks at the end of their tour.

Many thanks to tour guide and ambassador volunteers Bryan Van, Jim Brown, Paul Racine, and board members Dayna Helmer, Stephen Kidd, David Neasmith as well as Tricia McBride, our General Manager, for many miles put on their feet that day! A shout out to Ashantae Spalding, our Hospitality Manager for accommodating all the visitors so adeptly.

It was a really fun day for everyone.

(With thanks to Jim Brown for his contributions. – Ed.)